Menopause, painful periods, we can act. See the testimonials -

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Menopause, painful periods, we can act. See the testimonials


Thank you to all those who sent me their testimonials, we need them. 
If this website helped you, please think that it will help many others. The more testimonials I publish, the higher the standard of service I am providing to those interested in this topic. I am also interested in any documented information such as analysis, ultrasounds... The publication of these on will of course be anonymous.

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Testimonials received:
Names have been changed, to guarantee anonymity of authors.

Alvin, 37 years, Scotland, december 27, 2019:
I started suffering from biotoxin illness about 4 years ago when I lived in a damp, moldy house. I developed various symptoms...chronic fatigue, heart palpitations, rosacea, flushing reactions to lots of foods (I would have to cool my face down with cold cloths), menstrual irregularities (bleeding for 10 days or more every month), insomnia. I have done about 5 liver flushes and the flushing reactions to food have decreased by about 60%... i sleep all through the night most nights with the occasional bad menstrual cycle is normal and I have no heart palpitations....I still suffer from fatigue but no longer have to nap twice a day... some days I can go without a nap at all... I will continue with the liver flushes as long as I see improvements.

Rachelle, 41, France, January 8th, 2016:
Hi, finally I decided to do a liver detox after thinking about it for a year. I felt no disgust drinking the magnesium sulfate nor the grapefruit juice mixed with olive oil and I did not have a single sleepless night during the first two sessions. I was already very satisfied with the results after the first detox: the headaches disappeared like magic much like the tinnitus, no pain in my shoulder blade, no pain due to humidity in my thumb, having suffered recurrent sprains, no more leg pain, fewer aches after exercise and if I did have any pain, it lasted a day whereas before I'd have to wait 5 days for it to stop. Less pain before menstruation, less irritability. What great results. I encourage those who are still hesitant to take the plunge. Cordially.

Nelly, 50, France, December 30th, 2015:
Hello. To summarize my situation, I went from a great lack of vitality to better physical well-being in the first instance, then the opportunity to actually move again. I am in my 4th treatment. I've basically begun living again! I think, using my own words, I was gradually poisining myself (digestive system that worked very badly, huge weight gain, hypertension, bad cholesterol). There you go, I still cannot tell you what the cholesterol level is because I did not do a blood test, but the impact on my vitality is undeniable. I've not even had another hot flush.

Bérénice,  53 years, France, August 29, 2014:
I've already left a testimonial for cure in 2012. I've done a dozen liver cleanses. I do it less often now, 1 every 6 months in maintenance. The last treatment went well, no nausea, no problem drinking the potions, peaceful nights, it's just happiness. I think I must be on the right track.
Proof: For several years, the doctor told me I have too much iron in my blood and at the menopause it will get worse. He said that I will probably have to make bleedings... And in my last analysis, surprise: the rate of iron stabilised, despite I am pre-menopausal and I have only very rarely my period. The doctor who read the results could not believe me when I told her about it, she had to look at my medical record to say "ha, well, no, it's weird, but there's now nothing abnormal.” A result that I did not expect. On the contrary, the sinus and perpetual cough, no improvement, too bad.

Virginia, 42 years, April 7 2014:
Hello Denis, I did my 11th liver cleanse, and I feel improvements each time.
Here are the benefits I have:
- Legs that swell late in the day: finished
- Tingling in the feet when I wake up: I cannot get rid of
- Stomach cramps: forgotten
- Digestion: fast and light
- Sunken and blue circles under eyes: reduced, cleanse after cleanse
- Chronic Fatigue: Newfound energy
- Dry skin (decreased by stopping dairy products): skin more supple, not more taut.
- Red nose: occasionally, only when I drink alcohol, or I eat too much fat
- Point to the right shoulder
- I am calmer and more positive
- Constipation: still concerns
- Watery eyes after a day working on the computer: forgotten
- Vaginal discharge: less and less
- Decreased sweating (I thought yet not be among of those that sweat excessively, but now I sweat a little).

I think I will continue the liver cleanses, but less often, because I now only remove small fat balls, and I have trouble swallowing the oil mixture. Thank you all for your testimonials, very motivating and thank you Denis for your site. Virginia

Natasha, 52 years, October 22 2013:
Natasha, October 12 2013:
Hello Denis, I 'm 52 years old, I'm thin, and with a good metabolism until three years ago, the menopause came and shook my nice balance. Besides flushing, it is especially a protruding belly with a total disruption of the digestive system that ruined my life.
I tried many different and varied remedies: Homeopathy, gemmotherapy, plant (soy yam maca, hop, sage...), essential oils, trace elements... I changed my diet (no more dairy, no more red meat, and no more tomatoes). I sought psychotherapy effects, among EFT. Nothing could, in the long term, bring me the serenity which is essential to me to enjoy this earthly life. I was sometimes very discouraged, but strength in me told me "I have to find a solution". I do not believe in fate that getting older is necessarily accompanied by a string of inconveniences. I want to age in good health as long as possible.
It was a shrink who put me on the track, telling me about his personal experiences. It reminded me that when arriving in Paris aged 17, a homeopathic remedy was proposed to me for small loss of consciousness, "Raphanus Pottier", known for its choleretic properties. This meant that my liver was already my weak point. Later I met an osteopath who gave me manual gallbladder drainage, it was very painful but now that reminds me that I had serious hepatic problems....
I decided three weeks ago to cleanse my liver. I documented through your site (to which I extend to you my compliments), Dr. Moritz’s book, and Dr. Clark’s website. I found the grapefruit juice / olive oil mix absolutely delicious. I immediately lie motionless in the dark for almost one hour. I have not slept really well, but did not feel the need to get up. I removed painlessly, easily and without inconvenience hundreds of green balls.
A fortnight later, I feel better. I have more positive energy. I still have hot flushes but they are a little less frequent and less intense. My nights are better and I wake up less tired. It remains that my digestive system has not yet found its rhythm and so my stomach is still a little swollen. I feel I have fewer cravings for sweet things, even after meals. Oddly, I only feel attracted to fresh and simple food! My right shoulder is a little less painful.
Finally, next week I’ll do another liver cleanse, because we approach the new moon! I hope, with all my heart, to be on the right path to regaining my beautiful serenity.
With thanks I wish you a great weekend

Natasha, October 22 2013:
Second cleanse three weeks after the first one. I've slept right through from 22 pm to 1 am with a hot water bottle on the right side of my abdomen. Then, rather correctly from 2 to 6 hours, what a comfort. I woke up in shape, but nauseous because of magnesium sulfate. This time I did not wait 12 am, and at 9 a.m. I expelled a lot of very small "stones", and some of them were one centimetre. In the evening, once again a burst of many small clear stones. The next day, I could still see a few stragglers.
I feel light and unlike before, I do not feel like having sweets to finish my meal! The first two days I was lethargic and had low energy (unlike usually). And most importantly, I see this morning that I had MY FIRST COMPLETE NIGHT after a long time and extraordinarily, I had NO MORE FLUSHING! I do not know if it is non-animal protein diet, liver cleanse, or both combined, but the objective is reached, Hallelujah! My right shoulder is much less painful. I have sensations in my stomach, as if my ovaries function again, despite me not having my period for ten months.
Let me tell you that I'm not going to sit there, and I already program the next liver cleanse on November 23rd or 30th, before the new moon of December 3rd.

Victoria, 36 years, September 5 2013:
Victoria, July 17 2013:
Hello and thank you for this site. I just did the first liver cleanse (after reading A.Moritz’s book) and I am delighted ... I work in the field of health and I must say that I find that this method is so awesome and so accessible to all, that I speak of it to all my clients... Everything went very well. I could easily sleep. In the morning, I had several eliminations (6 or 7) that had different things for results, like mud, tiny "yellow means" pebbles and other indefinable things... stench... Yuck! I'm glad this is outside and no longer inside! Then in the evening, a new evacuation, this time with bigger "rocks". Sunday morning, I felt a little nauseous and also hypoglycaemia. The next day, a large enema (2 litres using a special cannula) and evacuation of hundreds of "rocks" of various sizes. I dissected one and obviously it looked like agglomerated bile.
The immediate effects felt:
- An amazing view, I seem to see even clearer and farther!
- Better understanding of English songs (I’m French)
- I only want healthy things to eat, therefore less inclined to junk food
- More energy, I noticed that during driving a cycle a day or so ago, I was not as tired as before!
In fact, I cannot wait to start the second cure and I will keep you informed of the outcome.

Victoria, September 5 2013:
Following the first episode, I did the second liver cleanse the following month and everything went very well. I am ready to begin the third one. I noticed positive changes in the premenstrual syndrome. I intend to do my dissertation on this miracle cure and I have an appointment tomorrow to find someone who could follow me with blood analysis.

Cathie, 47 years, 20 July 2012:
Tonight I tackle my 11th liver cleanse, according to Moritz’s method.
Observed improvements:
1 . Left knee: sharp pain when bent has almost disappeared
2 . Pain in left eye (due to ulcers) almost disappeared
3 . Better digestion (less loaded tongue)
4 . Disappearance of white hair. Reappeared a month later, I’ve yet to find the reason
5 . Less annoying menstruation
6 . Less greasy hair after the first liver cleanse.

Veronica, August 6 2011:
Hello, this is not a question I want to ask you, but rather a testimonial that I give you. I too did liver cleanses for about 5 years. I was less rigorous than you and I did not record all my cleanses or take pictures. Your site is very well done. At the time I started, nobody knew and there was almost nothing on the internet… today the information has passed from person to person and I am delighted. I suggest this cleanse to many people around me and I always have positive feedback. About me, I did a cure without any rejections for the 4th and 5th liver cleanses. Then I felt the need to do a liver flush regularly and I do this when the need arises, one to two times per year. I discovered this cure alone after a doctor’s diagnosis that did not suit me: you do not have gallstones, I order you "Spasfon" . The result of these liver cleanses: disappearance of my morning sickness, of my liver pains, of my migraines, my PMS, slow digestion and my recurrent cystitis. At the same time I also removed the pill that absolutely didn't help my health. When one or more of these symptoms returned, I knew that a new liver cleanse needed to be considered. I’m doing one tonight, the last I did was in October. Here’s my little experiment. I appreciate your site and your information, I did not have the patience and the courage to do the same but if you want to chat with me it will be with pleasure.
Regards, Veronica

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