Cleansing of liver and intestines: practical site with testimonials -

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The liver cleanse and intestinal cleansing

Liver detox : I created to share my experience of liver and gallbladder cleansing.
Removal of liver fat and gallstones : the aim, methodology, products to use, benefits...

Nothing theoretical here, I explain in a great deal of detail the various liver and gallbladder cleanses which I have carried out since August 2010 and the results I have obtained, with explicative photos and videos.


By acting on the origin of the problem, liver cleanses can cure many symptoms:

Back pain, cholesterol, digestion, psoriasis, electrosensitivity, food intolerances, tinnitus, haemorrhoids, sciatica, vitality, mood...

I have received and published hundreds of testimonials that attest to the positive effects of this technique:


I have carried out 16 liver cleanses during a 13 month period and rejected 10300 balls of fat ranging between 1 and 25 millimeters.

To understand the pictures below, please read the text "What causes blockage to the liver and gallbladder?" page Liver cleanse

liver cleanse photo 2010-08-24 liver cleanse photo 2010-10-03 liver cleanse photo 2010-10-31 liver cleanse photo 2010-12-19 liver cleanse photo 2011-01-08 liver cleanse photo 2011-01-29 liver cleanse photo 2011-02-26 liver cleanse photo 2011-02-26 sectional liver cleanse photo 2011-04-03 liver cleanse photo 2011-05-01 liver cleanse photo 2011-05-01 sectional liver cleanse photo 2011-05-28 liver cleanse photo 2011-07-02 liver cleanse photo 2011-07-26 liver cleanse photo 2011-08-28 liver cleanse photo 2011-09-17 liver cleanse photo 2012-02-26

Here I offer my detailed testimony of liver cleanses, providing as much information as possible to help understand and implement this powerful technique used to detoxify the body. My reference on this subject is Andreas MORITZ's book "the amazing liver and gallbladder flush". It is the most informative book that I was able to find on this subject, it is extremely educational and of a very easy access.

For a detailed presentation of this technique and its results:


Intestinal cleansing

Having clean intestines, small intestine and especially the colon, is a key factor in quickly recovering good health, not just within the context of liver cleanses.

intestinal cleansing photo 1 intestinal cleansing photo 2 intestinal cleansing photo 3 intestinal cleansing photo 4 intestinal cleansing photo 5 intestinal cleansing photo 6 intestinal cleansing photo 7 intestinal cleansing photo 8 intestinal cleansing photo 9 intestinal cleansing photo 10 intestinal cleansing photo 11

Legal note: the author of this website does not belong to the medical profession and the information given on this website is not a medical opinion. The recommended methods should not replace medical treatment prescribed by your doctor, for any health problems please consult with your doctor first and foremost.  The use of the techniques described in are the sole responsibility of the person who chooses to practice them, deciding to act for one's own health. Continuation...

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